For the female students of knowledge who have acquired some proficiency in Arabic, here are some resources to aid in following the classes and lectures of women shaykhaat and da’iyaat in Madinah and other cities across Saudi Arabia. (disclaimer: all classes are for sisters only)

Dr. Asmaa al-‘Amir د. أسماء العامر
Follow telegram channel for access to classes:

Dr. Barakah al-Talhi د. بركة الطلحي
Dr. Barakah was also the president of women & dawah affairs for Masjid An-Nabawi.
Follow telegram channel for access to classes:

Dr. Maryam Baqaazy د. مريم باقازي
Follow telegram channel for access to classes:
المشكاة العِـلمِيــة

Dr. Haifa al-Rashid د. هيفاء الرشيد
Follow telegram channel for access to classes:
*an updated and more comprehensive list of teachers will be posted soon inshaAllah
Beneficial Channels

المناشط الدعوية النسائية
Collaborative channel with a number of da’iyaat with numerous classes held daily, from the teachers; Ustadha Munira aal ashShaykh أ. منيرة آل الشيخ, Ustadha Sabah alJamee أ. صباح الجامي, Ustadha Nadia alJamee أ. نادية الجامي and many more.
التأصيل العلمي
Under the supervision of Ustadha Lamiya alQazlan أ. لمياء القزلان, this channel goes through a series of متون علمية, each book with its explanations from the scholars is broken up into chapters with their respective audio explanations and followed by practice/exam questions after each section. Ustadha Lamiya also teaches and reviews the class material with students. Very beneficial resource for studying aqeedah.
الإعلانات النسائية
Collaborative channel with a number of da’iyaat all around Saudi Arabia, including some of the teachers mentioned above and many more. Multiple classes are held daily in various books and topics.
*a list of Madinahs scholars and mashaykh and the classes they are currently teaching with links to channels and livestreams will be posted soon inshaAllah