Why Gate Thirteen?

From the outset, my vision for this blog was clear: to serve as a valuable resource for women seeking knowledge and a platform to share my own sources of inspiration, in the hopes of inspiring others in return. Yet, one crucial element was missing: a name. I brainstormed numerous options, seeking something unique yet personal, something that encapsulated the essence of what this blog represents – the pursuit of ‘ilm. Yet, nothing seemed to fit, leaving me to reluctantly abandon the task. It lingered as an unfinished item on my to-do list, indefinitely postponed. Then, one morning, nearly a year ago, as I made my way to my classes in Masjid Nabawi, inspiration struck. Passing through Gate 13, a landmark I had passed almost daily for six years, something clicked. Standing before those towering golden doors, it dawned on me: this gate was more than just an entryway – it symbolized both literally and metaphorically the pathway to knowledge for countless women, myself included. Beyond Gate 13 lay a realm where the echo of ‘ilm reverberated within its walls, with bustling circles of Quran and mutōon memorization, academic classes of the Ma’ahad and Kulliyyah, and live lectures from Madinah’s esteemed scholars filling the air. Behind those doors lay tangible knowledge— classrooms for some, a wellspring of inspiration for others. For the first time, I found myself among scores of women holding PhDs in Fiqh, Hadith, ‘uloom al-Quran, and Arabic—individuals whose expertise and depth of understanding rivalled that of their male counterparts. It was a reality that once seemed like a distant dream from where I came from—a true testament to the vitality and vibrant spirit of female scholarship and the enduring pursuit of knowledge embodied by Gate 13.

With each post and shared insight, I hope for Gate 13 to cultivate a community where women can engage in meaningful discourse centered around knowledge, embark on their own journeys of ṭalab al-ʿilm, and reflect the dynamic energy of women dedicated to ‘ilm, much like those found within the physical confines of Gate 13.